Leaked pictures reveal Samsung Galaxy Note III internals

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We’re not sure what to make of all the recent Samsung Galaxy Note III rumors and leaks, since the South Koreans are doing a great job, usually, at keeping things under wraps. Sure, we’ve seen some prototypes pictured in the past, but they might have nothing in common with the final product expected to be unveiled at IFA 2013, at the beginning of September.


Now this pair of images, allegedly depicting prototype Samsung Galaxy Note III internals, seem to show, for the first time, the interior of the upcoming phablet. Not much can be seen, and what could be interesting is covered (like the battery capacity and label), so we’re reminding you of the rumored specs: a 5.99- or 5.7-inch screen, depending on the report, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with LTE-A capabilities (or the new Exynos 5 octa, again, depending on who you believe), 3GB of RAM, and a 13-megapixel camera.


Samsung Galaxy Note III internals