Cheaper Moto X on the way for prepaid users, developing mark

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The new Moto X sure is an interesting Android, and it arrived largely as we were hoping, but even though we don’t have all the details yet, one thing the rumors seem to have gotten fantastically wrong is the handset’s price. At least, so far it’s only been confirmed that the Moto X will sell for about $200 on a two-year contract for the 16GB version – you can get a 32GB HTC One, with a superior display and processor, for the very same price. That doesn’t make any sense, does it? We’re still waiting for an off-contract sticker price, but in the meantime, Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside has been talking about a cheaper phone in the Moto X family.

Woodside laments about the lack of quality on the lower end of the smartphone spectrum, and wants to do something about it. He’s working to see Motorola be able to give prepaid users and shoppers in developing nations access to current, affordable hardware, not just outdated junk that looks like it first went up for sale two years ago.

We don’t have too many specifics just yet, nor a hard timeframe, but Woodside is clear that a phone (or phones) like this are coming. As he told CNET, “Moto X is the brand that we are most focused on, and there is more to come. You will see additional products within months.”