LG V500 (aka G Pad) swings by the FCC, IFA unveiling seems

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Whoa, is LG on a roll or what? Not only are the Koreans believed to be back in the mix for the next-gen Nexus handheld, but they’ve also revealed a magical and record-breaking 2,560 x 1,440 pixels resolution smartphone display a few hours ago.


Plus, we have every reason to believe LG is prepping its tablet comeback. And what a comeback it might be, as the G Pad is tipped to pack a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 CPU, 8.3-inch WUXGA panel, 2 GB of RAM and plenty of other top-notch goodies.

Though the slate is technically not yet official, you could say it’s as good as confirmed following Bluetooth SIG and FCC certifications. The American governmental agency has given the G Pad (aka V500) its stamp of approval less than 24 hours ago in a Wi-Fi only flavor.

As you may remember, Bluetooth SIG listed two slightly different variations of the G Pad, numbered V500 and V507L, so there’s a good chance a 4G LTE-enabled model is also in the works and coming to the market a little later than its “cousin”.


But when might that be? I’m going to go on a limb there and risk an estimation based simply on my gut feeling. LG will thus probably look to unveil the G Pad come next month’s IFA, with a realistic ETA then being late September or early October for the Wi-Fi variant and late October or early November for the model sporting cellular connectivity.

As far as pricing goes however, I’m afraid I’ll leave you guessing, since making a projection at this point seems like the kind of risk only Bruce Willis would take and survive in a Die Hard movie. But by all means, be my guests and voice your guesses in the comments section below.

Read more: https://vr-zone.com/articles/lg-v500-aka-g-pad-swings-by-the-fcc-ifa-unveiling-seems-like-a-guarantee/52393.html#ixzz2cgmv7jJu


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