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  • Sony's new flagship model will be named the Sony Xperia TX

    What's in a name? Plenty. Manufacturers pay companies big bucks to come up with the name for a device that will help generate sales. Sony has a number of new models coming out that they are just finali...

  • Pantech Marauder Review

    Over the past few years, we’ve seen numerous phones from Pantech that are budget friendly, including the Pantech Breakout. But until now, if you wanted a 4G LTE smartphone with a physical QWERTY keyboard...

  • Motorola RAZR HD rumored to come by October, along with a Ma

    We continue to wonder when Motorola will unveil the RAZR HD, and the latest rumor states that the device will be launching this October. That is not the most exciting part, though. These sources also swear...

  • Sony's HD LT25 Tsubasa to join Android line up

    Sony apparently intends to flood the Android smartphone market just to see what sticks, as yet another previously unknown device just surfaced via benchmark tests.

  • Ice Cream Sandwich coming to UK Motorola Razr and Razr Maxx

    Motorola has begun to roll-out the Android Ice Cream Sandwich update for its European Razr and Razr Maxx smartphones.

  • Samsung Galaxy Prevail leads the way for Samsung in the U.S.

    Thanks to the Apple v. Samsung patent trial, both firms have been forced to open up their books for examination, something both are usually quite reluctant to do. Apple and Samsung both filed some interest...

  • HTC Desire V Review

    Quick, name a smartphone that can work with two SIM cards at the same time. Not too many models spring to mind, right? That's because dual-SIM smartphones are still a rare breed.

  • Apple wants $2.45 billion from Samsung

    How much is patent infringement worth? To Apple, $2.45 billion (£1.56 billion). This is according to a filing made Friday by the prosecuting party in the Apple vs. Samsung case, an ongoing trial unfoldi...

  • Nook Tablet review

    Released in November 2011, the Nook Tablet is Barnes & Noble's entry in the 7-inch tablet market and the successor to the previous Nook Color. While similar in form and interface to that previous device...

  • Is Apple's war against Google hurting iOS?

    One of the first quotes from the biography of Steve Jobs to really catch fire was when he allegedly said that he would wage "thermonuclear war" on Google because of he perceived Android to be a copy of...

  • LG Optimus Vu review

    Oh Optimus Vu, what an odd little device you are. Developed as a less than subtle knee-jerk reaction to Samsung’s Galaxy Note, the Vu went on sale in Korea earlier this year, and it’ll soon be making...

  • HTC vs Samsung: Why HTC is losing the fight big time

    Up until recently, HTC meant much more than it means now in the Android universe. It was a big factor. HTC's smartphones stood for quality, reliability and experience that are unmatched by any other Androi...

  • Samsung Galaxy S2 review

    The Samsung Galaxy S2 - or Samsung Galaxy S II, as it's also known - is the phone the Korean firm deems the successor to its best smartphone so far. And with a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, super-slim chassi...

  • Sony Xperia Tablet press photos leak, looks slick

    An IFA 2012 launch date for the Sony Xperia Tablet seems pretty much assured as new press shots have emerged.

  • One More Thing: Dark days ahead for the Samsung Galaxy S3

    Paint it black – If Samsung didn't have enough problems telling courts that its smartphones are NOTHING like Apple's, the company is all set to release its flagship S3 in black – that is if the Samsung...

  • Apple Shows Court TouchWiz’s Wannabe iOS Icons

    Okay, throughout this entire legal quarrel between Apple and Samsung, I’ve done my best to remain impartial. But after Apple’s latest evidence presented to the court, I’m sure even the biggest die...

  • Droid Incredible 4G LTE Review

    It's hard to underestimate the value of brand loyalty. Just ask Verizon Wireless. It's with satisfied Incredible and Incredible 2 owners in mind that the carrier is promoting the Droid Incredible 4G LTE...

  • Samsung: Galaxy Note 10.1 available globally this month

    The Galaxy Note 10.1 will finally arrive on store shelves internationally this month, Samsung has announced. The stylus-toting tablet has received hardware and software upgrades since we first saw it at...

  • HTC reports sales dropped 45% in July from last year

    July was not a good month for Taiwan based handset manufacturer HTC. Despite the good word of mouth from users of the flagship HTC One X, the freight train called the Samsung Galaxy S III took sales right...

  • ARM's eight-core Mali GPUs promise 'dramatic' boost to mobil

    The current flagship for ARM's mobile graphics technology is undoubtedly the Galaxy S III, which contains a quad-core Mali 400 GPU and delivers some wild benchmark scores.
