Google’s Pichai teases Samsung-made new Nexus 10

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In confirming the new Nexus 7 today, Google put to bed a lot of rumors that have been keeping us busy during the preceding weeks. Now that it’s official, we clearly need a new Nexus model to start dominating our thoughts; that obviously includes a new Nexus phone, but what about another tablet? Reportedly, Google’s Sundar Pichai has already been talking about plans for a new Nexus 10.


While we haven’t heard anything from Pichai publicly, The Wall Street Journal’s Amir Efrati has been recounting his experience at today’s Google event on Twitter, and mentions that Pichai advised that a Samsung-made follow-up to last year’s Nexus 10 should be launching “in the near future.”


Before you get too excited, that timeframe could very well mean “a few months from now,” so we could easily be waiting until fall – just like last time – for this tablet to launch.


Considering the Nexus 10′s already impressive specs, we wonder what changes might be in store for this year’s edition. Maybe an even crazier-high-res display, like on the ATIV Q?